vol.phys events

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- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the volume or aggregate is running dangerously low on free blocks to write to.
- Corrective Action
Create space by increasing the volume or aggregate sizes, or by deleting data or deleting Snapshot® copies. To increase a volume's size, use the "volume size" command. To delete a volume's Snapshot® copies, use the "volume snapshot delete" command. To increase an aggregate's size, add disks by using the "storage aggregate add-disks" command. Aggregate Snapshot® copies are deleted automatically when the aggregate is full.
- Syslog Message
%s %s%s%s is physically overallocated, using %s%% logical space and %s%% physical space.
- Parameters
object_type (STRING): Identifier for the type of object to which this event applies (aggregate or volume).
name (STRING): Name of this object.
app (STRING): Application UUID.
vserver_uuid (STRING): Universal Unique ID (UUID) of the object's Vserver, if the object is a volume. Otherwise, this string is empty.
percent_logically_full (STRING): Used capacity of the logical space of the object, as a percent. This value can be greater than 100 due to space reserved for metadata. The percentage is computed for the entire object, including Snapshot® copy space, and is equivalent to the "Total Used" field in the output of the "volume show-space" or "aggregate show-space" commands.
percent_physically_full (STRING): Used capacity of the physical space of the object, as a percent. This value can be greater than 100 due to space reserved for metadata. The percentage is computed for the entire object, including Snapshot® copy space, and is equivalent to the "Total Physical Used" field in the output of the "volume show-space" or "aggregate show-space" commands.