lun delete
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Delete the LUN
Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.
This command deletes a LUN from a specified Vserver and volume. If the LUN is mapped and online, the force option is required to delete it.
If a LUN is mapped to an initiator group, you can unmap it by using the lun unmap command. If a LUN is online, you take it offline by using the lun offline
If you create a LUN from a file, you cannot remove the file while the LUN is linked to it. If you want to remove the file, you must first delete the LUN. |
-vserver <Vserver Name>
- Vserver Name-
Specifies the Vserver.
- {
-path <path>
- LUN Path -
Specifies the path of the LUN you want to delete. Examples of correct LUN paths are
. - |
-volume <volume name>
- Volume Name -
Specifies the volume that contains the LUN you want to delete.
[-qtree <qtree name>]
- Qtree Name-
Specifies the qtree that contains the LUN you want to delete.
-lun <text>
- LUN Name }-
Specifies the LUN that you want to delete.
[-f, -force <true>]
- Force Deletion of an Online and Mapped LUN-
Force deletion of an online LUN that is mapped to an initiator group.
[-force-fenced <true>]
- Force Deletion of a Fenced LUN-
Force deletion of a LUN that is currently fenced.
[-disable-smas-proxy <true>]
- Disable SMAS Proxy-
Force the modification to run locally without sending operations to the source of the SnapMirror Synchronous relationship. The operation may still fail if not supported on the secondary side in the current state.
cluster1::> lun delete -vserver vs1 -path /vol/vol1/lun1
Deletes the LUN at path /vol/vol1/lun1 on Vserver vs1.