Search results
system health alert delete
Delete system health alert
system health subsystem show
Display the health of subsystems
system health status show
Display system health monitoring status
system health config show
Display system health configuration
system health alert show
View system health alerts
system health alert modify
Modify system health alert
system controller ioxm show
Displays IOXM Device Health Status
system health alert definition show
Display system health alert definition
system health policy definition show
Display system health policy definitions
system health policy definition modify
Modify system health policy definition
system health autosupport trigger history show
View system health alert history
system controller bootmedia show
Display the Boot Media Device Health Status
system controller coredump-device show
Display the coredump device health status
system switch ethernet threshold show
Display the Ethernet switch health monitor alert thresholds
system switch ethernet configure-health-monitor
Ethernet switch health monitor configuration file setup.
system switch ethernet polling-interval modify
Modify the polling interval for Ethernet switch health
system switch ethernet polling-interval show
Display the polling interval for monitoring Ethernet switch health
system node show
Display the list of nodes in the cluster
system controller show
Display the controller information
system controller pci show
Display the PCI Device Table
system switch ethernet create
Add information about an Ethernet switch \(cluster or storage
system controller fru show
Display Information About the FRUs in the Controller
system bridge options modify
Enable or disable configurable options for all bridges
system bridge options show
Show state of configurable options for all bridges
system controller memory dimm show
Display the Memory DIMM Table
system controller sp upgrade show
Display the Service Processor Upgrade Table
system switch ethernet temperature show
Display temperature information for Ethernet switches \(cluster and storage
system controller sp config show
Display the Service Processor Config Table
system controller bootmedia show-serial-number
Display the Boot Media Device serial number
system controller bootmedia show-percentage-used
Show the utilization percentage of the NVMe boot media
system switch ethernet power show
Display power information for Ethernet switches \(cluster and storage
system controller coredump-device show-serial-number
Display the coredump device serial number
system switch ethernet fan show
Display fan information for Ethernet switches \(cluster and storage
system switch ethernet switch-count show
Display the count of cluster\-network and storage\-network switches
system switch ethernet modify
Modify information about an Ethernet switch's configuration
cluster peer health show
Check peer cluster health
system controller environment show
Display the FRUs in the controller
system chassis fru show
Display the FRUs in the cluster
system switch ethernet log setup-password
Obtain Ethernet switch admin passwords
system switch ethernet interface show
Display interface information for Ethernet switches \(cluster and storage
system license entitlement-risk show
Display Cluster License Entitlement Risk
system controller replace show-details
Display detailed status of controller replacement
system node virtual-machine show-network-load-balancer
Display network load balancer information
system node virtual-machine instance show-system-disks
Display information about virtual machine system disks
statistics system show
System utilization metrics for the cluster
system chassis show
Display all the chassis in the cluster
system bridge show
Display bridge information
system bridge remove
Remove a bridge from monitoring
system bridge refresh
Refresh bridge info
system bridge modify
Modify a bridge's configuration information
system bridge add
Add a bridge for monitoring
system node modify
Modify node attributes
system node halt
Shut down a node
system limits show
Displays the Maximum volume limit
system license show
Display licenses
system license delete
Delete a license
system license add
Add one or more licenses
system script upload
Upload the selected CLI session log
system script stop
Stops logging CLI I/O
system script start
Start logging all CLI I/O to session log
system script show
Display saved CLI session logs
system script delete
Delete saved CLI session logs
system node run
Run interactive or non\-interactive commands in the nodeshell
system node rename
Rename a node
system node reboot
Reboot a node
system snmp authtrap
Enables or disables SNMP authentication traps
system smtape showheader
Display SMTape header
system smtape restore
Restore a volume from tape devices
system smtape continue
Continue SMTape session waiting at the end of tape
system smtape break
Make a restored volume read\-write
system smtape backup
Backup a volume to tape devices
system smtape abort
Abort an active SMTape session
system timeout show
Display the CLI inactivity timeout value
system timeout modify
Set the CLI inactivity timeout value
system snmp show
Displays SNMP settings
system snmp location
Displays or modifies location information
system snmp init
Enables or disables SNMP traps
system snmp contact
Displays or modifies contact details
system configuration backup upload
Upload a configuration backup
system configuration backup show
Show configuration backup information
system configuration backup rename
Rename a configuration backup
system configuration backup download
Download a configuration backup
system configuration backup delete
Delete a configuration backup
system configuration backup create
Create a configuration backup
system configuration backup copy
Copy a configuration backup
system bridge run-cli
Execute a CLI command on a bridge
system bridge firmware update
Download firmware onto the bridge so it can be updated
system bridge coredump show
Display a list of bridge coredumps
system bridge coredump delete
Delete a saved coredump file
system bridge coredump collect
Retrieve and save coredump
system service-processor show
Display the Service Processor information
system controller config show
Display System Configuration Information
system node coredump save
Save an unsaved kernel coredump
system node coredump delete
Delete a coredump
system node autosupport show
Display AutoSupport configuration
system node autosupport modify
Modify AutoSupport configuration
system services web modify
Modify the cluster\-level configuration of web protocols
system services ndmp status
Display list of NDMP sessions
system services ndmp show
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Display NDMP service configuration
system services ndmp probe
Display list of NDMP sessions
system services ndmp password
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Change the NDMP password for the node
system services ndmp on
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Enable NDMP service
system services ndmp off
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Disable NDMP service
system services ndmp modify
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Modify NDMP service configuration
system services ndmp kill
Kill the specified NDMP session
system services firewall show
Show firewall status
system services firewall modify
Modify firewall status
system fru-check show
Display Information About the FRUs in the Controller
system controller replace start
Start controller replacement
system controller replace show
Display status of controller replacement
system controller replace resume
Resume paused controller replacement
system controller replace pause
Pause ongoing controller replacement
system controller replace cancel
Cancel ongoing controller replacement
system node migrate-root
Start the root aggregate migration on a node
system node image update
Perform software image upgrade/downgrade
system node image show
Display software image information
system node image modify
Modify software image configuration
system node image get
Fetch a file from a URL
system node firmware download
Download motherboard firmware and system diagnostics
system node coredump upload
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Upload a coredump to a remote site
system node coredump trigger
Make the node dump system core and reset
system node coredump status
Display kernel coredump status
system node coredump show
Display a list of coredumps
system node autosupport invoke
Generate and send an AutoSupport message
system license update-leases
Begin lease reconciliation
system license status show
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Display license status
system license show-status
Display license status
system license show-aggregates
Display status of aggregates leases and license used
system license clean-up
Remove unnecessary licenses
system license capacity show
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Show license capacity status
system node show-discovered
Display all nodes discovered on the local network
system node run-console
Access the console of a node
system node revert-to
Revert a node to a previous release of Data ONTAP
system node restore-backup
Restore the original backup configuration to the HA target node
system node power show
Display the current power status of the nodes
system node power on
Power nodes on
system smtape status show
Show status of SMTape sessions
system smtape status clear
Clear SMTape sessions
system services web show
Display the cluster\-level configuration of web protocols
system switch ethernet show
Display the configuration for Ethernet switches \(cluster and storage
system switch ethernet delete
Delete information about an Ethernet switch \(cluster or storage
system snmp traphost show
Displays traphosts
system snmp traphost delete
Delete a traphost
system snmp traphost add
Add a new traphost
system snmp enable-snmpv3
Enables SNMPv3 cluster\-wide
system snmp community show
Displays communities
system snmp community delete
Deletes community with the specified access control type
system snmp community add
Adds a new community with the specified access control type
network options cluster-health-notifications modify
cluster health notification options
network options port-health-monitor show
Display port health monitors configuration
network options port-health-monitor modify
Modify port health monitors configuration
network options cluster-health-notifications show
Display cluster health notification options
snapmirror flexgroup-epuuid-prefix-prepare-to-downgrade
Prepares the system for downgrade
storage disk fail
Fail the file system disk
volume analytics show
Display file system analytics information
volume analytics initialization show
Display file system analytics information
volume snaplock prepare-to-downgrade
Prepares the system for downgrade
vserver iscsi security prepare-to-downgrade
Prepares the system for downgrade
system controller bezel-led show
Display the state of the bezel LED logo \(lit or unlit
system controller bezel-led modify
Modify the state of the bezel LED log \(lit or unlit
system configuration recovery node restore
Restore node configuration from a backup
system configuration recovery cluster sync
Sync a node with cluster configuration
system configuration recovery cluster show
Show cluster recovery status
system configuration recovery cluster rejoin
Rejoin a cluster
system configuration recovery cluster recreate
Recreate cluster
system configuration recovery cluster modify
Modify cluster recovery status
system configuration backup settings show
Show configuration backup settings
system configuration backup settings modify
Modify configuration backup settings
system bridge config-dump show
Display a list of bridge dumpconfiguration files
system bridge config-dump delete
Delete a dumpconfiguration file
system bridge config-dump collect
Retrieve and save bridge dumpconfiguration
system ha interconnect status show
Display the high\-availability interconnect connection status
system ha interconnect port show
Display the high\-availability interconnect device port information
system service-processor reboot-sp
Reboot the Service Processor on a node
system service-processor network show
Display the network configuration
system service-processor network modify
Modify the network configuration
system service-processor image update
Update Service Processor firmware
system service-processor image show
Display the details of currently installed Service Processor firmware image
system service-processor image modify
Enable/Disable automatic firmware update
system controller fru led show
Display the status of FRU LEDs
system controller fru led modify
Modify the status of FRU LEDs
system controller flash-cache show
Display the Flash Cache device status
system controller config show-errors
Display configuration errors
system node coredump save-all
Save all unsaved kernel coredumps owned by a node
system node coredump reports upload
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Upload an application core report to a remote site
system node coredump reports show
Display a list of application core reports
system node coredump reports delete
Delete an application core report
system node coredump delete-all
Delete all coredumps owned by a node
system node coredump config show
Display coredump configuration
system node coredump config modify
Modify coredump configuration
system node autosupport trigger show
Display AutoSupport trigger configuration
system node autosupport trigger modify
Modify AutoSupport trigger configuration
system node autosupport manifest show
Display AutoSupport content manifest
system services ndmp service terminate
Terminate all NDMP sessions
system services ndmp service stop
Stop the NDMP service
system services ndmp service start
Start the NDMP service
system services ndmp service show
Display NDMP service configuration
system services ndmp service modify
Modify NDMP service configuration
system services ndmp log stop
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Stop logging for the specified NDMP session
system services ndmp log start
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Start logging for the specified NDMP session
system services ndmp kill-all
Kill all NDMP sessions
system services manager status show
Display the status of a service
system services manager policy show
Display service policies
system services manager policy setstate
Enable/disable a service policy
system services manager policy remove
Remove a service policy
system services manager policy add
Add a new service policy
system services manager install show
Display a list of installed services
system services firewall policy show
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Show firewall policies
system services firewall policy modify
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Modify a firewall policy entry for a network service
system services firewall policy delete
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Remove a service from a firewall policy
system services firewall policy create
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Create a firewall policy entry for a network service
system services firewall policy clone
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Clone an existing firewall policy
system service-processor ssh show
Display SSH security information about the Service Processor
system ha interconnect link on
Turn on the interconnect link
system ha interconnect link off
Turn off the interconnect link
system ha interconnect config show
Display the high\-availability interconnect configuration information
system feature-usage show-summary
Display Feature Usage Summary
system feature-usage show-history
Display Feature Usage History
system controller slot module show
Display hotplug status of a module on the controller
system controller slot module replace
Power off a module on the controller for replacement
system controller slot module remove
Remove a module on the controller
system controller slot module insert
Add a module on the controller
system controller service-event show
Display the active service events causing attention LEDs to be lit
system controller service-event delete
Manually clear a selected service event
system controller platform-capability show
Display platform capabilities
system controller pcicerr threshold show
Display the Node PCIe error alert threshold
system controller pcicerr threshold modify
Modify the Node PCIe error alert threshold
system controller location-led show
Display the location LED state on controllers
system controller location-led modify
Modify the location LED state of a controller
system node nfs usage show
Show NFS usage in the local node
system node internal-switch show
Display onboard switch attributes
system node image package show
Display software package information
system node image package delete
Delete a software package
system node image abort-operation
Abort software image 'update' or 'get' operation
system node firmware bootmedia show
Display the BIOS/LOADER firmware versions stored in the boot media and running on the system
system node external-cache show
Display external cache settings
system node external-cache modify
Modify external cache settings
system node environment sensors show
Display the sensor table
system node coredump segment show
Display a list of core segments
system node coredump segment delete
Delete a core segment
system node autosupport invoke-splog
Generate and send an AutoSupport message with collected service\-processor log files
system node autosupport invoke-diagnostic
Generate and send an AutoSupport message with diagnostic content from specified subsystems
system node autosupport history show
Display recent AutoSupport messages
system node autosupport history retransmit
Selectively retransmit a previously collected AutoSupport
system node autosupport history cancel
Cancel an AutoSupport Transmission
system node autosupport destinations show
Display a summary of the current AutoSupport destinations
system node autosupport check show
Display overall status of AutoSupport subsystem
system license show-serial-numbers
Display History of Serial Numbers
system license license-manager show
Display license manager information
system license license-manager check
Display license manager status
system node usb-ports show
Display the state of the external USB ports
system node usb-ports modify
Modify the state of the external USB ports on the next boot
system node upgrade-revert upgrade
Run the upgrade at a specific phase
system node upgrade-revert show
Display upgrade/revert node status
system node root-mount show
Show the existing mounts from any node to another node's root volume
system node root-mount delete
Delete a mount from one node to another node's root volume
system node root-mount create
Create a mount from one node to another node's root volume
system services web ontapi show
Display the current ONTAPI status \(suspended/unsuspended
system services web ontapi modify
Unsuspend ONTAPI after auto suspend
system services web node show
Display the status of the web servers at the node level
system switch fibre-channel show
Display back\-end fibre\-channel switch information
system switch fibre-channel remove
Remove a back\-end fibre\-channel switch from monitoring
system switch fibre-channel refresh
Refresh back\-end fibre\-channel switch info
system switch fibre-channel modify
Modify information about a back\-end fibre\-channel switch's configuration
system switch fibre-channel add
Add a back\-end fibre\-channel switch for monitoring
system switch ethernet show-all
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Displays the list of switches
system switch ethernet log show
Display Ethernet switch log information
system switch ethernet log modify
Modify the Ethernet switch log request
system snmp prepare-to-downgrade
Change SNMP configuration to the default settings for releases earlier than Data ONTAP 9.3.0
volume analytics initialization resume
Resume the analytics file system scan
volume analytics initialization pause
Pause the analytics file system scan
qos statistics volume performance show
Display system performance data per volume
security key-manager health policy show
Show the health monitor policy of the given keystore\-type
security key-manager health policy modify
Modify the health monitor policy of the given keystore\-type
system configuration backup settings set-password
Modify password for destination URL
system configuration backup settings clear-password
Clear password for destination URL
system ha interconnect statistics performance show
Display the high\-availability interconnect device performance statistics
system ha interconnect statistics clear-port
Clear the high\-availability interconnect port counters
system ha interconnect port sharing show
Display the high\-availability interconnect device port sharing information
system ha interconnect ood status show
Display the high\-availability interconnect device out\-of\-order delivery \(OOD\) information
system ha interconnect ood enable-statistics
Enable detailed statistics collection
system ha interconnect ood enable-optimization
Enable coalescing work requests
system ha interconnect ood disable-statistics
Disable detailed statistics collection
system service-processor log show-allocations
Display the Service Processor log allocation map
system service-processor api-service show
Display service processor API service configuration
system controller fru show-manufacturing-info
Display manufacturing information of FRUs
system controller fru led enable-all
Light all the LEDs
system controller fru led disable-all
Turn off all the LEDs Data Ontap has lit
system controller config pci show-hierarchy
Display PCI hierarchy
system controller clus-flap-threshold show
Display the controller cluster port flap threshold
system node coredump external-device show
Display a list of files on an external USB device
system node coredump external-device save
Save a core dump to an external USB device
system ha interconnect ood disable-optimization
Disable coalescing work requests
system controller nvram-bb-threshold show
Display the controller NVRAM bad block threshold
system node internal-switch dump stat
Display onboard switch port statistics counter
system node image show-update-progress
Show progress information for a currently running update
system node hardware unified-connect show
Displays information about Fibre Channel and converged networking adapters
system node hardware unified-connect modify
Modify the Fibre Channel and converged networking adapter configuration
system node hardware tape library show
Display information about tape libraries
system node hardware tape drive show
Displays information about tape drives
system node hardware nvram-encryption show
Show NVRAM device encryption information
system node hardware nvram-encryption modify
Configure NVRAM device encryption
system node coredump segment delete-all
Delete all core segments on a node
system node autosupport invoke-performance-archive
Generate and send an AutoSupport message with performance archives
system node autosupport invoke-core-upload
Generate and send an AutoSupport message with an existing core file
system node autosupport check show-details
Display detailed status of AutoSupport subsystem
system service-processor api-service modify
Modify service processor API service configuration
system service-processor api-service check
Check API Service availability in SP/BMC
system node virtual-machine instance show
Display virtual machine instance information per node
system node virtual-machine hypervisor show
Display hypervisor information about Data ONTAP\-v nodes
network options port-health-monitor enable-monitors
Enable one or more port health monitors
network options port-health-monitor disable-monitors
Disable one or more port health monitors
template show-permissions
Display Template Allowed and Disallowed System Objects
qos statistics workload performance show
Display system performance data per QoS workload
storage disk replace
Initiate or stop replacing a file\-system disk
storage disk assign
Assign ownership of a disk to a system
qos statistics performance show
Display system performance data per QoS policy group
system ha interconnect ood send-diagnostic-buffer
Send diagnostic buffer to partner
system service-processor ssh remove-allowed-addresses
Remove IP addresses from the list that is allowed to access the Service Processor
system service-processor ssh add-allowed-addresses
Add IP addresses to the list that is allowed to access the Service Processor
system service-processor network auto-configuration show
Display Service Processor Auto\-Configuration Setup
system service-processor network auto-configuration enable
Enable Service Processor Auto\-Configuration
system service-processor network auto-configuration disable
Disable Service Processor Auto\-Configuration
system service-processor image update-progress show
Display status for the latest Service Processor firmware update
system controller flash-cache secure-erase show
Display the Flash Cache card status
system controller flash-cache secure-erase run
Perform a secure\-erase operation on the targeted devices
system services ndmp node-scope-mode status
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Status of NDMP node\-scope\-mode
system services ndmp node-scope-mode on
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Enable NDMP node\-scope\-mode
system services ndmp node-scope-mode off
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Disable NDMP node\-scope\-mode
system ha interconnect ood clear-performance-statistics
Clear performance statistics
system ha interconnect ood clear-error-statistics
Clear error statistics
system node image package external-device show
Display file listing on external device
system node image package external-device delete
Delete file on external device
system node autosupport history show-upload-details
Display upload details of recent AutoSupport messages
system switch ethernet log collect-support-log
Initiates the support log collection for the specified Ethernet switch
statistics node show
System utilization metrics for each node in the cluster
volume analytics on
Enable collection of file system analytics for a volume
volume analytics off
Disable collection of file system analytics for a volume
system ha interconnect statistics show-scatter-gather-list
Display the high\-availability interconnect scatter\-gather list entry statistics
system ha interconnect statistics clear-port-symbol-error
Clear the high\-availability interconnect port symbol errors
system service-processor api-service renew-internal-certificates
Renew SSL and SSH certificates used for secure communication with the service processor
system controller config pci show-add-on-devices
Display PCI devices in expansion slots
system service-processor api-service enable-installed-certificates
Enable user\-installed certificates for the service processor API service
system service-processor api-service disable-installed-certificates
Disable user\-installed certificates for the service processor API service
system node virtual-machine disk-object-store show
Display the list of object store configurations
system node virtual-machine disk-object-store modify
Modify the configuration of an object store
system node virtual-machine disk-object-store delete
Delete the configuration of an object store
system node virtual-machine disk-object-store create
Define the configuration for an object store
volume snapshot prepare-for-revert
Deletes multiple Snapshot copies of the current File System version.
network ndp neighbor active-entry delete
Delete active neighbor entry from a System or Admin Vserver
network arp active-entry delete
Delete active ARP entry from a System or Admin Vserver
system service-processor api-service regenerate-ssh-auth-key
Regenerate SSH Auth Private and Public Key
vserver peer transition create
Create a new transition peer relationship between a 7\-Mode system and a Vserver.
storage aggregate object-store put-rate-limit show
Display the per node FabricPool Put Rate Limit
network port modify
Modify network port attributes
cluster peer show
Display peer cluster information
storage failover modify
Modify storage failover attributes
snaplock compliance-clock initialize
Initializes the node ComplianceClock
security login role show-ontapi
Display the mapping between Data ONTAP APIs and CLI commands
event notification destination delete
Delete existing event destinations
network port show
Display network port attributes
cluster peer modify
Modify cluster peer relationships
network interface check cluster-connectivity show
Display the Cluster Connectivity Log
storage disk show
Display a list of disk drives and array LUNs
snaplock compliance-clock ntp modify
Modify SnapLock ComplianceClock synchronization setting
storage dqp show
Display Disk Qualification Package details
security key-manager config modify
Modify key management configuration options
cluster quorum-service options modify
Modify the settings for cluster quorum\-service
vserver security file-directory ntfs sacl show
Display NTFS security descriptor SACL entries
vserver security file-directory ntfs sacl remove
Remove a SACL entry from NTFS security descriptor
event filter show-summary
Display event filter summary
vserver peer transition modify
Modify a transition peer relationship
vserver nvme namespace create
Create an NVMe namespace
vserver peer transition delete
Delete a transition peer relationship
network bgp defaults modify
Modify BGP defaults
vserver peer transition show
Display transition peer relationships
snapmirror mediator show
Show mediator information
cluster show
Display cluster node members
volume reallocation measure
Start reallocate measure job
cluster setup
Setup wizard
lun igroup modify
Modify an existing initiator group
vserver services name-service unix-user max-limit modify
Change Configuration Limits for UNIX\-User
vserver services name-service unix-group max-limit modify
Change Configuration Limits for UNIX\-Group
network bgp config modify
Modify BGP configuration
volume rebalance file-move abort
Abort a file\-move operation that is in progress
network bgp config show
Display BGP configuration
volume rebalance file-move modify
Modify a file\-move operation
volume file modify
Manage the association of a QoS policy group with a file
snaplock log file show
Display audit log file information
lun igroup create
Create a new initiator group
event notification destination show
Display event notification destinations
network ipspace create
Create a new IPspace
network bgp config create
Create BGP configuration
snaplock compliance-clock ntp show
Display SnapLock ComplianceClock synchronization setting
event notification destination modify
Modify an event notification destination
vserver fcp start
Starts the FCP service
network port delete
Delete a network port
vserver security file-directory ntfs sacl add
Add a SACL entry to NTFS security descriptor
vserver security file-directory ntfs sacl modify
Modify an NTFS security descriptor SACL entry
network arp active-entry show
Display active ARP entries organized by Vserver
event config show
Display log configuration parameters
statistics preset delete
Delete an existing Performance Preset
storage disk error show
Display disk component and array LUN configuration errors
volume reallocation start
Start reallocate job
statistics show
Display performance data for a time interval
network interface modify
Modify a logical interface
vserver cifs security modify
Modify CIFS security settings
metrocluster node show
Display MetroCluster node configuration information
snaplock log file archive
Archive Active Log Files in Log Volume
qos workload show
Display a list of workloads
lun transition 7-mode show
Display the 7\-Mode LUN Inventory
storage failover giveback
Return failed\-over storage to its home node
event filter update-access-control-role
Update access\-control\-role of an event filter
network ndp neighbor active-entry show
Display active neighbor entries organized by Vserver
security certificate truststore check
Initiate a TLS connection and identify the root CA certificate
metrocluster switchback
Switch back storage and client access
volume file fingerprint dump
Display fingerprint of a file
event notification destination create
Create an event notification destination
volume efficiency start
Starts efficiency operation on a volume
security multi-admin-verify rule show
Display rules
security login external-role-mapping create
Add a external role mapping
vserver cifs security show
Display CIFS security settings
volume show
Display a list of volumes
network connections active show-protocols
Show a count of the active connections by protocol
network connections active show-clients
Show a count of the active connections by client
vserver iscsi command show
Display active iSCSI commands
statistics start
Start data collection for a sample
volume file show-inode
Display file paths for a given inode
lun create
Create a new LUN
storage aggregate resynchronization modify
Modify aggregate resynchronization priorities
template provision
Provision Data ONTAP resources using the template
vserver iscsi interface accesslist remove
Remove the iSCSI LIFs from the accesslist of the specified initiator
network connections active show-services
Show a count of the active connections by service
volume file clone create
Create file or LUN full or sub file clone
network connections listening show
Show the listening connections in this cluster
cluster image show-update-progress
Display the update progress
network interface create
Create a logical interface
cluster peer create
Create a new cluster peer relationship
storage firmware download
Download disk, ACP processor and shelf firmware
storage disk unfail
Unfail a broken disk
network interface service-policy rename
Rename an existing network service policy
event notification destination prepare-for-revert
Deletes or updates unsupported syslog destinations \(transport=TCP or transport=UDP with non\-default configurations\: port, message\-format, timestamp\-format\-override, hostname\-format\-override
event filter rename
Rename an event filter
event filter show
Display the list of existing event filters
network bgp defaults show
Display BGP defaults
network device-discovery show
Display device discovery information
storage encryption disk destroy
Cryptographically destroy a self\-encrypting disk
storage disk option modify
Modify disk options
security login role show-rest
Display the mapping between ONTAP REST APIs and CLI commands
vserver vscan scanner-pool apply-policy
Apply scanner\-policy to a scanner pool
vserver nvme subsystem create
Create an NVMe target subsystem
vserver object-store-server bucket create
Create an object store server bucket
lun resize
Changes the size of the LUN to the input value size
lun igroup show
Display a list of initiator groups
storage aggregate reallocation start
Start reallocate job on aggregate
storage tape show-supported-status
Displays the qualification and supported status of tape drives
qos workload delete
Delete workload
vserver iscsi isns update
Force update of registered iSNS information
vserver cifs domain discovered-servers reset-servers
Reset and rediscover servers for a Vserver
vserver nfs kerberos realm delete
Delete a Kerberos realm configuration
security certificate config show
Displays the certificate management configurations
security login password-prepare-to-downgrade
Reset password features introduced in the Data ONTAP version
storage failover internal-options show
Display the internal options for storage failover
storage aggregate plex online
Online a plex
storage disk firmware update
Update disk firmware
snapmirror policy show
Show SnapMirror policies
volume modify
Modify volume attributes
storage aggregate resynchronization show
Display aggregate resynchronization priorities
security login delete
Delete a login method
cluster image show-update-log
Display the update transaction log
lun modify
Modify a LUN
template parameter modify
Modify the template parameters
vserver iscsi interface enable
Enable the specified interfaces for iSCSI service
statistics catalog counter show
Display the list of counters in an object
volume snapshot show
Display a list of snapshots
storage failover show
Display storage failover status
network ipspace rename
Rename an IPspace
volume quota modify
Modify quota state for volumes
storage aggregate plex offline
Offline a plex
storage aggregate remove-stale-record
Remove a stale aggregate record
event filter create
Create a new event filter
statistics settings modify
Modify settings for the statistics commands
storage disk remove
Remove a spare disk
security certificate config modify
Modify the certificate management configurations
lun transition 7-mode delete
Delete an Untransitioned 7\-Mode LUN
cluster identity modify
Modify the cluster's attributes
volume clone create
Create a FlexClone volume
vserver services ndmp probe
Display list of NDMP sessions
security key-manager config show
Display key management configuration options
vserver iscsi interface accesslist add
Add the iSCSI LIFs to the accesslist of the specified initiator
metrocluster switchover
Switch over storage and client access
cluster image validate
Validates the cluster's update eligibility
volume create
Create a new volume
storage aggregate object-store config delete
Delete the configuration of an object store
vserver nfs modify
Modify the NFS configuration of a Vserver
storage encryption disk sanitize
Cryptographically sanitize a self\-encrypting disk
vserver services name-service dns create
Create a new DNS table entry
cluster add-node
Expand the cluster by discovering and adding new nodes
snapmirror snapshot-owner delete
Delete an owner used to preserve a Snapshot copy for a SnapMirror mirror\-to\-vault cascade configuration
snaplock compliance-clock show
Displays the node ComplianceClock
security login role config reset
Reset RBAC characteristics supported on releases later than Data ONTAP 8.1.2
snapmirror restore
Restore a Snapshot copy from a source volume to a destination volume
snapmirror snapshot-owner show
Display Snapshot Copies with Owners
volume snapshot show-delta
Computes delta between two Snapshot copies
vserver iscsi interface accesslist show
Show accesslist of the initiators for iSCSI connectivity
storage shelf drawer show
Display a list of drawers
storage encryption disk modify
Modify self\-encrypting disk parameters
network route active-entry show
Display active routes
storage aggregate object-store put-rate-limit modify
Modify the maximum, per node, FabricPool put rate
storage raidlm policy show
Display the policies
volume file show-filehandle
Show the file handle of a file
volume snapshot compute-reclaimable
Calculate the reclaimable space if specified snapshots are deleted
vserver services name-service getxxbyyy getpwbyname
Gets the password entry by using the user name
lun import throttle
Modify the max throughput limit for the specified import relationship
event filter delete
Delete existing event filters
lun show
Display a list of LUNs
vserver nfs create
Create an NFS configuration for a Vserver
Display/Set CLI session settings
security login show
Show user login methods
storage errors show
Display storage configuration errors
vserver peer accept
Accept a pending Vserver peer relationship
metrocluster heal
Heal DR data aggregates and DR root aggregates
storage disk firmware revert
Revert disk firmware
vserver security file-directory ntfs create
Create an NTFS security descriptor
snapmirror snapshot-owner create
Add an owner to preserve a Snapshot copy for a SnapMirror mirror\-to\-vault cascade configuration
security ipsec config modify
Modify IPsec config
security login role show
Show access control roles
vserver http-proxy show
Display HTTP Proxy configuration
vserver migrate show-volume
Display status of volumes in a migrating Vservers
storage encryption disk show
Display self\-encrypting disk attributes
volume move start
Start moving a volume from one aggregate to another aggregate
volume flexcache create
Create a new cache relationship
metrocluster interconnect adapter show
Display MetroCluster interconnect adapter information
vserver services name-service dns hosts show
Display IP address to hostname mappings
network fcp adapter modify
Modify the fcp adapter settings
security login modify
Modify a login method
storage shelf drawer show-phy
Display a list of PHYs per drawer
storage shelf port show
Display storage shelf ports
storage aggregate object-store profiler start
Start the object store profiler to measure latency and throughput
storage failover mailbox-disk show
Display information about storage failover mailbox disks
volume online
Bring an existing volume online
vserver object-store-server bucket modify
Modify an object store server bucket
vserver iscsi security default
Configure the default authentication settings
security config ocsp show
Show Online Certificate Status Protocol \(OCSP\) settings
event filter rule delete
Delete a rule for an event filter
volume show-space
Display space usage for volume\(s
volume show-footprint
Display a list of volumes and their data and metadata footprints in their associated aggregate
storage aggregate show
Display a list of aggregates
storage failover hwassist stats show
Display hwassist statistics
storage aggregate reallocation show
Show reallocate job status for improving free space layout
storage disk reassign
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Change the default owner of all disks from one node to another
vserver object-store-server bucket cors-rule create
Create a Cross\-Origin rule
event role-config create
Create role\-based event configuration
event notification create
Create an event notification
event filter rule reorder
Modify the index of a rule for an event filter
storage aggregate modify
Modify aggregate attributes
vserver modify
Modify a Vserver
vserver consistency-group create
Create a new consistency group
statistics show-periodic
Continuously display current performance data at regular interval
storage aggregate object-store modify
Modify attributes of object stores attached to an aggregate
volume reallocation show
Show reallocate job status
vserver services name-service dns show
Display DNS configuration
network traceroute
network connections active show-lifs
Show a count of the active connections by logical interface
vserver show
Display Vservers
snapmirror policy create
Create a new SnapMirror policy
vserver iscsi create
Create a Vserver's iSCSI service
vserver http-proxy create
Create a HTTP Proxy configuration
security login create
Add a login method
storage aggregate mirror
Mirror an existing aggregate
volume snapshot restore
Restore the volume to a snapshot
vserver cifs branchcache create
Create the CIFS BranchCache service
security login rest-role show
Show REST access control roles
security certificate azure-install
Install a Digital Certificate from Azure Key Vault
qos statistics resource disk show
Display disk resource utilization data per QoS policy group
vserver create
Create a Vserver
volume rebalance file-move start
Moves a file from one FlexGroup constituent to another
cluster create
Create a cluster
vserver cifs options modify
Modify CIFS options
volume clone show
Display a list of FlexClones
cluster image show-update-log-detail
Display detailed information about nondisruptive update events
storage aggregate object-store config modify
Modify object store configuration attributes
vserver services ndmp status
Display list of NDMP sessions
volume efficiency policy show
Show efficiency policies
vserver cifs branchcache modify
Modify the CIFS BranchCache service settings
volume snapshot partial-restore-file
Restore part of a file from a snapshot
vserver iscsi modify
Modify a Vserver's iSCSI service
security login rest-role delete
Delete a REST access control role
network bgp peer-group show
Display BGP peer groups information
event notification history show
Display latest events sent to destination
snapmirror create
Create a new SnapMirror relationship
vserver security trace trace-result show
Display security trace results
vserver fpolicy policy external-engine modify
Modify an external engine
vserver fpolicy policy external-engine create
Create an external engine
volume qtree modify
Modify qtree attributes
volume qtree create
Create a new qtree
vserver services name-service dns modify
Change a DNS table entry
vserver fcp interface show
Display configuration information for an FCP interface
security login motd modify
Modify the message of the day
security config modify
Modify Security Configuration Options
qos statistics characteristics show
Display QoS policy group characterization
qos settings cache show
Display list of cache policies
network traceroute6
network ping
network interface check failover show
Discover if any LIFs might become inaccessible during a node outage, due to over\-provisioning
event config modify
Modify log configuration parameters
cluster date modify
Modify the current date and time for the nodes in the cluster
snapmirror protect
Start protection for Vservers and volumes
storage aggregate object-store show
Display the details of object stores attached to an aggregate
template parameter show
Display template parameters
volume inode-upgrade show
Display Inode Upgrade Progress
security login rest-role modify
Modify a REST access control role
security certificate install
Install a Digital Certificate
network ping6
Ping an IPv6 address
network connections active show
Show the active connections in this cluster
vserver cifs options show
Display CIFS options
vserver security file-directory ntfs dacl show
Display NTFS security descriptor DACL entries
vserver iscsi interface show
Show network interfaces used for iSCSI connectivity
security login rest-role create
Add a REST access control role
qos statistics workload resource disk show
Display disk resource utilization data per QoS workload
qos policy-group create
Create a policy group
qos adaptive-policy-group create
Create an adaptive policy group
storage aggregate object-store config create
Define the configuration for an object store
storage aggregate create
Create an aggregate
network interface show
Display logical interfaces
network bgp peer-group create
Create a new BGP peer group
event filter rule add
Add a rule for an event filter
volume rebalance file-move show
Display a list of files being moved
vserver cifs create
Create a CIFS server
vserver consistency-group volume create
Create a new volume in a consistency group
security certificate create
Create and Install a Self\-Signed Digital Certificate
cluster image update
Manage an update
storage aggregate show-space
Display details of space utilization within an aggregate
snapmirror policy modify
Modify a SnapMirror policy
volume object-store tiering show
Display Tiering Status of FabricPool Volumes
security oauth2 client create
Configure OAuth 2.0 Provider
snapmirror resync
Start a resynchronize operation
storage port show
Show storage port information
vserver cifs modify
Modify a CIFS server
vserver object-store-server bucket show
Display object store server buckets
security login role config modify
Modify local user account restrictions
vserver services ndmp modify
Modify NDMP Properties
vserver cifs share modify
Modify a CIFS share
storage array disk paths show
Display a list of LUNs on the given array
snapmirror delete
Delete a SnapMirror relationship
volume clone split estimate
Estimates the space required by the containing\-aggregate to split the FlexClone volume
snapmirror break
Make SnapMirror destination writable
vserver services ndmp show
Display NDMP Properties
storage aggregate add-disks
Add disks to an aggregate
volume rebalance show
Display a list of volume capacity rebalancing operations on FlexGroup volumes
vserver security file-directory show
Display file/folder security information
vserver nfs show
Display the NFS configurations of Vservers
volume move show
Show status of a volume moving from one aggregate to another aggregate
vserver cifs share create
Create a CIFS share
storage shelf show
Display a list of storage shelves
snapmirror show
Display a list of SnapMirror relationships