Search results
system services ndmp status
Display list of NDMP sessions
system services ndmp show
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Display NDMP service configuration
system services ndmp probe
Display list of NDMP sessions
system services ndmp password
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Change the NDMP password for the node
system services ndmp on
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Enable NDMP service
system services ndmp off
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Disable NDMP service
system services ndmp modify
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Modify NDMP service configuration
system services ndmp kill
Kill the specified NDMP session
system services ndmp service terminate
Terminate all NDMP sessions
system services ndmp service stop
Stop the NDMP service
system services ndmp service start
Start the NDMP service
system services ndmp service show
Display NDMP service configuration
system services ndmp service modify
Modify NDMP service configuration
system services ndmp kill-all
Kill all NDMP sessions
system services ndmp log stop
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Stop logging for the specified NDMP session
system services ndmp log start
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Start logging for the specified NDMP session
system services ndmp node-scope-mode on
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Enable NDMP node\-scope\-mode
system services ndmp node-scope-mode off
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Disable NDMP node\-scope\-mode
system services ndmp node-scope-mode status
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Status of NDMP node\-scope\-mode
vserver services ndmp probe
Display list of NDMP sessions
vserver services ndmp status
Display list of NDMP sessions
vserver services ndmp modify
Modify NDMP Properties
vserver services ndmp show
Display NDMP Properties
vserver services ndmp on
Enable NDMP service
vserver services ndmp off
Disable NDMP service
vserver services ndmp kill
Kill the specified NDMP session
vserver services ndmp kill-all
Kill all NDMP sessions
vserver services ndmp extensions show
Display NDMP extension status
vserver services ndmp extensions modify
Modify NDMP extension status
vserver services ndmp log stop
Stop logging for the specified NDMP session
vserver services ndmp log start
Start logging for the specified NDMP session
vserver services ndmp generate-password
Generates NDMP password for a user
vserver services ndmp restartable-backup show
Display NDMP restartable backup contexts
system services firewall policy show
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Show firewall policies
vserver services ndmp restartable-backup delete
Delete an NDMP restartable backup context
system services firewall policy create
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Create a firewall policy entry for a network service
system services firewall policy modify
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Modify a firewall policy entry for a network service
system services web modify
Modify the cluster\-level configuration of web protocols
system services firewall show
Show firewall status
system services firewall modify
Modify firewall status
system services web show
Display the cluster\-level configuration of web protocols
system services manager status show
Display the status of a service
system services manager policy show
Display service policies
system services manager policy setstate
Enable/disable a service policy
system services manager policy remove
Remove a service policy
system services manager policy add
Add a new service policy
system services manager install show
Display a list of installed services
system services firewall policy delete
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Remove a service from a firewall policy
system services firewall policy clone
\(DEPRECATED\)\-Clone an existing firewall policy
system services web ontapi show
Display the current ONTAPI status \(suspended/unsuspended
system services web ontapi modify
Unsuspend ONTAPI after auto suspend
system services web node show
Display the status of the web servers at the node level
system node hardware tape library show
Display information about tape libraries
system node hardware tape drive show
Displays information about tape drives
system node modify
Modify node attributes
system node show
Display the list of nodes in the cluster
system controller replace show
Display status of controller replacement
network connections active show-services
Show a count of the active connections by service
system node root-mount show
Show the existing mounts from any node to another node's root volume
system controller replace start
Start controller replacement
vserver services name-service dns create
Create a new DNS table entry
vserver services name-service getxxbyyy getpwbyname
Gets the password entry by using the user name
template show-permissions
Display Template Allowed and Disallowed System Objects
vserver services name-service unix-user max-limit modify
Change Configuration Limits for UNIX\-User
vserver services name-service unix-group max-limit modify
Change Configuration Limits for UNIX\-Group
vserver services name-service dns show
Display DNS configuration
vserver services name-service dns hosts show
Display IP address to hostname mappings
vserver services name-service dns modify
Change a DNS table entry
system node virtual-machine instance show
Display virtual machine instance information per node
vserver show
Display Vservers
security login role show-rest
Display the mapping between ONTAP REST APIs and CLI commands
vserver modify
Modify a Vserver
cluster quorum-service options modify
Modify the settings for cluster quorum\-service
network interface modify
Modify a logical interface
network interface create
Create a logical interface
vserver iscsi interface enable
Enable the specified interfaces for iSCSI service
cluster setup
Setup wizard
network ping
vserver create
Create a Vserver
security login rest-role show
Show REST access control roles
security login rest-role delete
Delete a REST access control role
network interface show
Display logical interfaces
security login rest-role modify
Modify a REST access control role
security login rest-role create
Add a REST access control role
storage aggregate object-store config modify
Modify object store configuration attributes
cluster image show-update-progress
Display the update progress
vserver nfs modify
Modify the NFS configuration of a Vserver
vserver nfs create
Create an NFS configuration for a Vserver
storage aggregate object-store config create
Define the configuration for an object store
vserver nfs show
Display the NFS configurations of Vservers
storage shelf show
Display a list of storage shelves