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qos statistics characteristics show

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Display QoS policy group characterization

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


The qos statistics characteristics show command displays data that characterizes the behavior of QoS policy groups.

The command displays the following data:

  • The QoS policy group name (Policy Group)

  • Input/output operations performed per second (IOPS)

  • Throughput achieved in kilobytes per second (KB/s) or megabytes per second (MB/s) as appropriate (Throughput)

  • Request size in bytes (B) (Request size)

  • Read percentage from total I/O (Read)

  • Concurrency, which indicates the number of concurrent users generating the I/O traffic (Concurrency)

The results displayed per iteration are sorted by IOPS. Each iteration starts with a row that displays the total IOPS used across all QoS policy groups. Other columns in this row are either totals or averages.


[-node {<nodename>|local}] - Node

Selects the policy groups that match this parameter value. If you do not specify this parameter, the command displays data for the entire cluster.

[-iterations <integer>] - Number of Iterations

Specifies the number of times the display is refreshed before terminating. If you do not specify this parameter, the command iterates until interrupted by Ctrl-C.

{ [-rows <integer>] - Number of Rows in the Output

Specifies the number of busiest QoS policy groups to display. Valid values are from 1 to 20. The default value is 10.

| [-policy-group <text>] - QoS Policy Group Name

Selects the QoS policy group whose name matches the specified value. If you do not specify this parameter, the command displays data for all QoS policy groups.

| [-adaptive-policy-group <text>] - Adaptive QoS Policy Group Name }

Selects the QoS adaptive policy group whose name matches the specified value. If you do not specify this parameter, the command displays data for all QoS policy groups.

[-refresh-display {true|false}] - Toggle Screen Refresh Between Each Iteration

Specifies the display style. If true, the command clears the display after each data iteration. If false, the command displays each data iteration below the previous one. The default is false.


cluster1::> qos statistics characteristics show -iterations 100 -rows 4
Policy Group             IOPS      Throughput Request size  Read Concurrency
-------------------- -------- --------------- ------------  ---- -----------
-total-                    31      304.00KB/s       10041B    0%          16
_System-Best-Effort        15           0KB/s           0B    0%           0
vol1                       11       44.00KB/s        4096B    0%          40
vol2                        4      256.00KB/s       65536B    0%          14
vs1vol0                     1        4.00KB/s        4096B    0%           4
-total-                    37      808.00KB/s       22361B    2%           3
_System-Best-Effort        15           0KB/s           0B    0%           0
vol2                       12      768.00KB/s       65536B    0%           9
vs1vol0                     8       32.00KB/s        4096B   12%           1
vol1                        2        8.00KB/s        4096B    0%           1

The example above displays the characteristics of the 4 QoS policy groups with the highest IOPS values and refreshes the display 100 times before terminating.

cluster1::> qos statistics characteristics show -iterations 100 -policy-group pg1
Policy Group             IOPS      Throughput Request size Read Concurrency
-------------------- -------- --------------- ------------ ---- -----------
-total-                   293        3.02MB/s       10783B  54%           0
pg1                       118      470.67KB/s        4096B 100%           0
-total-                   181      478.14KB/s        2700B  65%           0
pg1                       117      469.33KB/s        4096B 100%           0
-total-                   226      525.78KB/s        2382B  60%           1
pg1                       110      440.00KB/s        4096B 100%           1
-total-                   233        1.67MB/s        7527B  49%           1
pg1                       112      446.67KB/s        4096B 100%           1

The example above displays the system characteristics of the QoS policy group pg1 and refreshes the display 100 times before terminating.