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vserver nfs kerberos interface disable
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Disable NFS Kerberos on a LIF
Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.
The vserver nfs kerberos interface disable
command disables NFS Kerberos on a logical interface.
-vserver <vserver name>
- Vserver-
This parameter specifies the Vserver in which the logical interface exists.
-lif <lif-name>
- Logical Interface-
This parameter specifies the name of the logical interface on which you want to disable NFS Kerberos.
[-admin-username <text>]
- Account Creation Username-
This optional parameter specifies the administrator user name.
[-admin-password <text>]
- Account Creation Password-
This optional parameter specifies the administrator password.
The following example disables NFS Kerberos on a Vserver named vs0 and a logical interface named datalif1.
vs1::> vserver nfs kerberos interface disable -vserver vs0 -lif datalif1