lun portset create
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Creates a new portset
Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.
This command creates a new portset for FCP and iSCSI. The portset name can include a maximum of 96 characters. You can add LIFs to the new portset. If you do not add a LIF to the portset, you create an empty portset. To add LIFs to an existing portset, use the lun portset add command.
After you create a portset, you must bind the portset to an igroup so the host knows which FC or iSCSI LIFs to access. If you do not bind an igroup to a portset, and you map a LUN to an igroup, then the initiators in the igroup can access the LUN on any LIF on the Vserver.
You cannot bind an igroup to an empty portset because the initiators in the igroup would have no LIFs to access the LUN. |
-vserver <Vserver Name>
- Vserver Name-
Specifies the Vserver.
-portset <text>
- Portset Name-
Specifies the name of the new portset. A portset name is a case-sensitive name that must contain one to 96 characters. Spaces are not allowed.
[-port-name <port_name>,…]
- LIF Or TPG Name-
Specifies the name of the logical interface that you want to add to the portset you want to create.
- {
[-protocol {mixed|fcp|iscsi}]
- Protocol -
Specifies if the portset protocol type is
, ormixed
. The default ismixed
. - |
[-f, -fcp <true>]
- FCP -
Specifies FCP as the protocol type of the new portset.
- |
[-i, -iscsi <true>]
- iSCSI } -
Specifies iSCSI as the protocol type of the new portset.
cluster1::> portset create -vserver vs1 -portset ps1 -protocol mixed
Creates a portset ps1
on Vserver vs1
with the protocol type of mixed
cluster1::> portset create -vserver vs1 -portset iscsips -protocol iscsi
Creates a portset iscsips
on Vserver vs1
with the protocol type of iscsi
cluster1::> portset create -vserver vs1 -portset fcppc -protocol fcp
Creates a portset fcppc
on Vserver vs1
with the protocol type of fcp
cluster1::> portset create -vserver vs1 -portset ps2 -protocol mixed -port-name l11
Creates a portset ps2
on Vserver vs1
with the protocol type of mixed
and LIF l11