volume efficiency inactive-data-compression show
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Display volume inactive data compression progress
Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the advanced privilege level.
The volume efficiency inactive-data-compression show
command is used to show details of inactive data compression on a volume.
- {
[-fields <fieldname>,…]
If you specify the
-fields <fieldname>, …
parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify. - |
[-instance ]
} -
If you specify the
parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields. [-vserver <vserver name>]
- Vserver Name (privilege: advanced)-
This specifies the vserver of the volume.
[-volume <volume name>]
- Volume Name (privilege: advanced)-
This specifies the volume on which inactive data compression should be started.
[-progress <text>]
- Progress (privilege: advanced)-
Progress of the scan.
[-status <text>]
- Status (privilege: advanced)-
Operation on the scan succeeded or failed.
[-failure-reason <text>]
- Failure Reason (privilege: advanced)-
If scan failed, the reason of the failure.
[-total-blocks <integer>]
- Total Blocks to be Processed (privilege: advanced)-
Total number of blocks which must be processed by inactive data compression scanner.
[-total-processed <integer>]
- Total Blocks Processed (privilege: advanced)-
Total number of blocks which are already processed by inactive data compression scanner.
[-percentage <percent>]
- Progress (privilege: advanced)-
Scan progress in percentage.
[-cold-blocks-found <integer>]
- Number of Cold Blocks encountered (privilege: advanced)-
Number of cold blocks encountered by inactive data compression scanner.
[-compression-done <integer>]
- Number of Compression Done Blocks (privilege: advanced)-
Number of blocks on which compression was done.
[-vol-overwrites <integer>]
- Number of Vol-Overwrites (privilege: advanced)-
count of logical blocks overwritten in compressed data extents.
[-is-enabled {true|false}]
- State of Inactive Data Compression on the Volume (privilege: advanced)-
Is scan enabled on the volume.
[-last-op-start-time <integer>]
- Time since Last Inactive Data Compression Scan started (privilege: advanced)-
Time since the last inactive data compression scan op started.
[-last-op-end-time <integer>]
- Time since Last Inactive Data Compression Scan ended (privilege: advanced)-
Time since the last inactive data compression scan op ended.
[-last-succ-op-start-time <integer>]
- Time since Last Successful Inactive Data Compression Scan started (privilege: advanced)-
Time since the last successful inactive data compression scan op started.
[-last-succ-op-end-time <integer>]
- Time since Last Successful Inactive Data Compression Scan ended (privilege: advanced)-
Time since the last successful inactive data compression scan op ended.
[-average-run-time <integer>]
- Average run time for Inactive Data Compression Scan (privilege: advanced)-
Average runtime of inactive data compression.
[-threshold-days <integer>]
- Inactive data compression scan threshold days value (privilege: advanced)-
Threshold days value for inactive data compression scan.
[-threshold-days-min <integer>]
- Inactive data compression scan threshold minimum allowed value. (privilege: advanced)-
Minimum allowed value in threshold days for inactive data compression scan.
[-threshold-days-max <integer>]
- Inactive data compression scan threshold maximum allowed value. (privilege: advanced)-
Maximum allowed value in threshold days for inactive data compression scan.
[-read-history-window-size <integer>]
- Time window(in days) for which client reads data is collected for tuning. (privilege: advanced)-
Client read history window.
[-tuning-enabled {true|false}]
- State of auto-tuning of Inactive data compression scan on volume. (privilege: advanced)-
Auto-tuning state of inactive data compression scan.
[-compression-algorithm {lzopro|zstd}]
- Inactive data compression algorithm (privilege: advanced)-
Inactive data compression algorithm.
[-scan-mode {default|compute_compression_savings|extended_recompression}]
- Mode of Inactive data compression scan (privilege: advanced)-
Mode of the Inactive data compression scanner.
[-phase1-l1s-processed <integer>]
- Phase1 level1s Processed (privilege: advanced)-
Phase1 number of L1s processed by inactive data compression scanner.
[-phase1-lns-skipped <text>,…]
- Phase1 lns skipped (privilege: advanced)-
Phase1 number of indirect blocks skipped by inactive data compression scanner.
[-phase2-total-blocks <integer>]
- Phase2 Total Blocks to be Processed (privilege: advanced)-
Phase2 number of total blocks which must be processed by inactive data compression scanner.
[-phase2-blocks-processed <integer>]
- Phase2 Blocks Processed (privilege: advanced)-
Phase2 number of blocks processed by inactive data compression scanner.
[-repacked-blocks <integer>]
- Number of Repacked Blocks (privilege: advanced)-
Number of cold blocks repacked by inactive data compression scanner in extended-recompression mode.
The following example displays details about the inactive data compression on volume "vol1":
cluster:::> volume efficiency inactive-data-compression show -vserver vs1 -volume vol1 Volume: vol1 Vserver: vs1 Is Enabled: true Progress: IDLE Status: SUCCESS Compression Algorithm: lzopro Failure Reason: - Total Blocks: - Total Blocks Processed: - Phase1 L1s Processed: - Phase1 Lns Skipped: - Phase2 Total Blocks: - Phase2 Blocks Processed: - Percentage: - Number of Cold Blocks Encountered: - Number of Repacked Blocks: - Number of Compression Done Blocks: - Number of Vol-Overwrites: - Time since Last Inactive Data Compression Scan Started(sec): - Time since Last Inactive Data Compression Scan Ended(sec): - Time since Last Successful Inactive Data Compression Scan Started(sec): - Time since Last Successful Inactive Data Compression Scan Ended(sec): - Average runtime of Inactive Data Compression(sec): - Tuning Enabled: true Threshold: 14 Threshold Upper Limit: 21 Threshold Lower Limit: 14 Client Read history window: 14