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Creating your file...
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the savecore operation is aborted while saving a kernel core. The core is preserved for a future iteration of savecore.
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
%s processing savecore aborted%s%s.
- Parameters
file (STRING): Name of the kernel core file being created.
operation (STRING): Type of operation that is being attempted when the abort occurs.
action (STRING): Type of action being taken when the abort occurs.
- Severity
- Description
Previous attempts to save this core have failed, either due to reboots or panics. To prevent a panic loop, savecore is aborting this attempt.
- Corrective Action
Use either "savecore -f" to save the core, or "savecore -k" to erase the core.
- Syslog Message
Too many attempts to save this core
- Parameters
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when all the core segments belonging to a coredump have been saved.
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
Saved core %s for node %s in %llu seconds. Core size is %llu bytes.
- Parameters
file (STRING): Primary core segment file that was created.
node (STRING): Name of the node whose core was saved.
seconds (LONGINT): Number of seconds spent on saving all the core segments.
size (LONGINT): Size of primary core segment in bytes.
chksum (STRING): Checksum of primary core segment file's data.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the coredump subsystem cannot finish saving a core because an aggregate relocation or a takeover is in progress. The system cannot save a core while either an aggregate relocation or a takeover is in progress.
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
Coredump save disallowed because an aggregate relocation or a takeover in progress.
- Parameters
- Severity
- Description
A disk being used by coredump is now missing. This could be due to the ownership of the disk changing, the disk being removed, etc. Most savecore operations will proceed, but if further errors are encountered, or an expected core cannot be found, corrective action will be necessary.
- Corrective Action
If this disk has failed, no action is possible. If this message was seen while running a "savecore -s", "savecore -i", or "savecore -l" operation, replace the missing disk. This might be done by undoing the ownership change, or reinserting the missing disk. If this message was seen while saving the core, and no further errors were seen, no action is necessary. If more errors were seen, replace the missing disk as above, and run "savecore" again.
- Syslog Message
Disk %s being used by coredump is missing
- Parameters
disk (STRING): Name of the missing disk
- Severity
- Description
A disk IO operation was attempted outside of the allowed regions on the disk. This behavior indicates a corrupt core, and it will be deleted.
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
IO to %d block(s) starting at %llu on disk %s is not allowed
- Parameters
count (INT): Number of blocks in IO request
start (LONGINT): Starting block number on the disk
disk (STRING): Name of the disk causing trouble
- Severity
- Description
A correctable error was encountered while saving the core. Savecore will continue saving other cores.
- Corrective Action
Once savecore finishes, address errors that may have appeared, and restart savecore.
- Syslog Message
%s processing encountered error
- Parameters
file (STRING): The core file that savecore was attempting to create
- Severity
- Description
An unrecoverable error was encountered while saving the core. This core will be deleted, and savecore will continue saving other cores.
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
%s processing failed
- Parameters
file (STRING): The core file that savecore was attempting to create
- Severity
- Description
An internal coredump error was encountered. This indicates the dumped core is corrupt, and will be deleted.
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
Internal coredump error
- Parameters
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when there is not enough space in the root volume to save the core. Savecore is making a worst-case estimate when determining how much space might be needed to save the core, and does not start unless that much space is available.
- Corrective Action
Try performing the following steps to make sufficient room in root volume: Delete old or unneeded core files by using the "coredump delete" command. Delete old or unneeded core file segments by using the "coredump segment delete" command. Delete any Snapshot® copies that include the deleted files. Adjust minimum free space on the root file system by using "coredump config modify" command. Once there is sufficient room, take the following steps to save the cores: To save all core files using "coredump save-all" command, run the "coredump status -instance" command and ensure that "Space Available On Internal Filesystem" is greater than "Space Needed to Save All Unsaved Cores" plus "Minimum Free Bytes on Root Filesystem". To save a specific core file, run the "coredump save" command, when available space of "Space Needed To Save Core" (from the "coredump show" command) plus "Minimum Free Bytes on Root Filesystem" is sufficient.
- Syslog Message
Available space (%llu %dKB blocks) is not enough to save the core image (requires up to %llu blocks) and maintain the minimum free space of %llu blocks.
- Parameters
avail (LONGINT): Number of blocks available for saving the core image.
blocksize (INT): Block size in kilobytes.
needed (LONGINT): Number of blocks needed for saving the core image.
minfree (LONGINT): Number of blocks reserved for normal system operation.
- Severity
- Description
Can not save partial core that was dumped using disks with different sizes. Savecore can not determine the size of the missing disks. Attempting a save in this condition will most likely end up in an error.
- Corrective Action
Run "savecore -k" to delete all unsaved cores.
- Syslog Message
Cannot save partial core (%s) that used disks with different sizes, missing %llu of %llu disks
- Parameters
panic (STRING): Panic string of the partial core.
missing (LONGINT): The number of disks that are missing
total (LONGINT): Total number of disks used in this dump
- Severity
- Description
An error was encountered while trying to read the core header block from disk.
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
Could not read core header block (%llu) from disk %s
- Parameters
block (LONGINT): Block number being searched for the core header
disk (STRING): Name of the disk that could not be read
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the savecore operation starts saving a kernel core.
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
Saving %llu MB to %s via %s ("%s") for node %s.
- Parameters
size (LONGINT): Number of MB being saved.
file (STRING): Name of the kernel core file to be created.
dumpcoretype (STRING): Kernel coredump type.
panic (STRING): Panic string of the kernel core being saved.
node (STRING): Name of the node whose core is being saved.