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vsdr.qos events

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This message occurs during QoS configuration replication in a MetroCluster(tm) setup when there are maximum number of QoS policy groups already existing on the destination cluster and the system attempts to create a new QoS policy group.

Corrective Action

Delete few QoS policy groups on the destination cluster using "qos policy-group delete" command and then resynchronize the configuration from the source cluster using "metrocluster vserver resync" command.

Syslog Message

Reached the maximum of %d QoS policy groups. Cannot create QoS policy group %s in Vserver %s.


max_QoS_groups (INT): Maximum number of QoS policy groups.
QoS_policy_group (STRING): QoS policy group name.
vserver_name (STRING): Vserver name.




This message occurs during the configuration replication phase of a Vserver DR transfer when the Quality of Service (QoS) policy group that the system is trying to replicate already exists in the cluster on a different Vserver.

Corrective Action

Remove the existing QoS policy group or make the Vserver that already has the QoS policy group in it the destination in the Vserver DR relationship.

Syslog Message

QoS policy group %s cannot be created in Vserver %s as the same QoS policy exists in Vserver %s.


qos_policy_group (STRING): Name of the QoS policy group that the system is trying to replicate.
destination_vserver (STRING): Name of the destination Vserver into which the QoS policy group is being replicated.
found_in_vserver (STRING): Name of the Vserver in which the same QoS policy group was found.