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ONTAP commands
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storage pool add

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Add disks to a storage pool

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


The storage pool add command increases the total capacity of an existing storage pool by adding the specified SSDs to the storage pool. The disks are split into four equal partitions and added to each of the allocation units of the storage pool. If any allocation units from the storage pool have already been allocated to an aggregate, the cache capacity of that aggregate is increased automatically.

For example, if an SSD with a usable size of 745 GB is added to a storage pool that is part of four aggregates, each aggregate will grow its cache capacity by 186.2 GB. If a different allocation is desired, create a new storage pool using the storage pool create command.

Note Storage pools are not supported in all-flash aggregates.


-storage-pool <storage pool name> - Storage Pool Name

This parameter specifies the storage pool to which disks are to be added.

{ [-disk-count <integer>] - Number of Disks to Add in Storage Pool

This parameter specifies the number of disks that are to be added to the storage pool. The disks to be added come from the pool of spare disks.

[-nodes {<nodename>|local}] - Nodes From Which Spares Should be Selected

This parameter specifies a list of nodes from which SSD disks are selected for addition to the storage pool. If this parameter is not specified, disks to be added to the storage pool can be selected from both the nodes sharing the storage pool. Use this parameter to restrict the selection of spare disks to one particular node.

| [-disk-list <disk path name>,…​] - List of Spare Disks }

This parameter specifies a list of disks to be added to the storage pool. In an HA configuration, SSDs being added to a storage pool can be owned by either node in the HA pair.

{ [-quiet <true>] - Confirmations off (privilege: advanced)

When set to true , this parameter specifies the operation should be executed without pausing for confirmation.

[-simulate <true>] - Simulate Storage Pool Addition

When set to true , this parameter specifies the operation should be performed as a simulation. The command reports which aggregates would grow automatically as a result of adding the disks to the storage pool. The disks are not added to the storage pool.


In this example, the user requests a report detailing the changes that would occur if a new disk is added to the storage pool SP1 . In this case, 186.2 GB of cache is added to the Flash Pool aggregates nodeA_flashpool_1 and nodeB_flashpool_1. There are two unprovisioned allocation units in the storage pool and therefore the storage pool available capacity also grows by 372.5 GB.

cluster1::> storage pool add -storage-pool SP1 -disk-list 1.0.23 -simulate

This operation will result in capacity being allocated in the following way:
Container              Capacity    Current        New
  Name                To Be Added       Size       Size
  -----------------  ------------  ---------  ---------
  nodeA_flashpool_1       186.2GB    558.7GB    744.9GB
  nodeB_flashpool_1       186.2GB    558.7GB    744.9GB
  (Available Capacity)    372.5GB     1.09TB     1.45TB

The following example adds one disk to a storage pool named SP1 . The spare disks are selected from either local node or its partner or both based on spare availability.

cluster-1::> storage pool add -storage-pool SP1 -disk-count 1

Info: The following disks will be added to storage pool "SP1":
Disk                   Size  Type   Owner
 ---------------- ---------- ------- ---------------------
 1.0.12              744.9GB SSD     cluster-1-01
New Allocation Unit Size: 744.8GB
 Capacity will be allocated in the following way:
Container              Capacity    Current        New
 Name                To Be Added       Size       Size
 -----------------  ------------  ---------  ---------
 nodeA_flashpool_1       186.2GB    558.7GB    744.9GB
 nodeB_flashpool_1       186.2GB    558.7GB    744.9GB
 (Available Capacity)    372.5GB     1.09TB     1.45TB
Are you sure you want to continue with this operation?
 {y|n}: y
[Job 48] Job succeeded: storage pool add job for "SP1" completed successfully
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